Join the EBC Family

To affirm your membership at Ebenezer Baptist Church, we require the following:

- A profession of Faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord
- Baptism by Immersion
- Completion of New Member's Orientation
-Affirmation by the Church Body

Join the EBC Family

The biggest requirements for membership here at EBC are a profession of Christ as your Lord and Savior and baptism by immersion.

The next step of the EBC membership process is to attend one of our New Member Orientations. These are held monthly on campus here at EBC. During orientation you will eat dinner together and then you will hear from Pastor Steven on the doctrinal stance of EBC and what he hopes for you as a Bible-abiding church member. Our Minister of Assimilations, Cody Owenby, will then walk you through all things EBC by taking you through our envisioned pathway of discipleship, including ways to plug into a smaller community within our walls and ways to serve the body through our existing EBC ministries. Cody will then walk you through our EBC Membership Covenant and general behavioral expectations as a professing believer in Christ. Upon agreement with our EBC Membership Covenant, the potential member and Pastor Steven will both sign the covenant.

The final step of the membership process here at EBC is affirmation by the body.  This will take place at the beginning of the Sunday service you normally attend.

Upon affirmation, that’s it! You are now an Ebenezerite!

If you want to sign up to attend our next orientation, please fill out the form below, and our Minister of Assimilations, Cody Owenby, will reach out to you!

Church Membership Questions?

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of EBC, let us know!