Volunteer Information

General Info for Volunteers

Must have a background check to volunteer.  Let us know ASAP if we need one for you.

Volunteers need to wear an EBC shirt. Let Tori know ASAP if you need one.

Important Dates

Last craft night- June 8 from 6:00pm-8:30pm
Outreach at the parks- June 10 from 11:00am-2:00pm.  
Decorating day- June 13th at 10:00am
Decorating day- June 17th at 11:00am
Final decorating day- June 18th at 3:00pm

VBS starts June 19th!

Volunteer Times 

During VBS week-
Kitchen Crew needs to be at church at 3:00pm
Security and Registration be here at 4:30pm
All others please arrive at 5:00pm
Meal begins at 5:15pm each night